Friday, March 20, 2020

A World In Need Of Tolerance Essays - Maria Taipaleenmki

A World In Need Of Tolerance Essays - Maria Taipaleenmki A World In Need Of Tolerance I did not know what to expect from the Museum of Tolerance, I went in with the feeling that I was doing this just for class and was semi-interested. When we arrived we were a little early for our tour and had a little over half an hour to kill. We were directed to the second floor where the multimedia interactive computers where located. On that floor there were displays and was basically your typical museum. In the back of my mind I was wondering where all the other stuff was and I was dreading that it would be your typical museum experience. When we got tired of the computers we waited in the lobby for our tour to start. Thats when I noticed a little display on Ann Franks Diary. On the display was a quote that sparked my interest but to my dismay I can not remember the whole thing, but what I do remember is that it had something to do with a Rose and a thought of her. It was a sad little entry. It got me thinking about what the Museum represented and I felt a little guilty for wanting to just get it over with. When we first entered we were lead to the tolerance section and the first thing I experienced was the Point of View Cafe. It was a powerful experience and truly demonstrates the power of speech. Like in book and movies I have read or seen in the past, I felt like climbing into the little screen and beating a little sense into the radio announcer. Its just disturbing how some people can truly believe those things. When confronted with the consequences of what they say they protest and hide behind the law, it is not their fault all they are doing is speaking the truth. I forget what we saw next but what I do remember is the tour of the holocaust. As I walk on and listened it drew me deeper and deeper into what happened to the Jews. Just the thoughts and actions of everyone was amazing. How everyone did not think that anything would happen. Everyone just chose to ignore it and go on with his or her lives. Then came the point where things did happen and one reason given why the nazis came into power was, If you tell a lie long enough, people will start to believe you. The persecution towards the Jews first started with the blaming of them for the loss of WWI. This is what blows my mind, Yes Germany lost and they choose to blame their loss on 1% of their population, the Jews. 1% of the population, how could that percentage of people influence the winning or losing of a war. All it takes is common sense to figure out that the Jews were just the scapegoats. How could a whole country of people, a whole continent join together in the systematic murder of another group? It is disgusting that the only reason that the rest of the world stepped in was because they were starting to be threatened too. That the whole world turned a blind eye and when the Jews were at their doorsteps they were turn away and sent back to be slaughtered. As the Australians said the tour, We dont have a racial problem, and we dont want to import one. How can the entire world step back and pretend they did not see what was going on in the world? How can people happily volunteer to help massacre the Jews? I believe that is the question the museum brings up and tries to help answer. One thing that made the tour eerie was when we entered the gates of the concentration camp. Where the carpet tuned to stone and the gates were just sitting open. I can not even try to feel how the Jews felt when they were forced into those gates. The next thing that made me think was when we entered the shower room. I just sat in the corner and just looked around while everyone watched the videos. I was thinking to myself, how people can even come

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Instruction and Assessment Unique to Each Student

Instruction and Assessment Unique to Each Student If teaching were as simple as using the one best way to teach everything, it would be considered more of a science. However, there isnt just one best way to teach everything and thats why teaching is an art. If teaching meant simply following a text book and using the same size fits all approach, then anyone could teach, right? Thats what makes teachers and especially special educators unique and special. Long ago, teachers knew that individual needs, strengths and weaknesses must drive instructional and assessment practice. Weve always known that children come in their own individual packages and that no two children learn the same way even though the curriculum may be the same. Instructional and assessment practice can (and should) be different to ensure that learning happens. This is where differentiated instruction and assessment comes in. Teachers need to create a variety of entry points to ensure that student differing abilities, strengths, and needs are all taken into consideration. Students then need varying opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge based on the teaching, hence differentiated assessment. Here are the nuts and bolts of differentiated instruction and assessment: Choice is key to the process. Choice of learning activity as well as choice in the assessment (how the student will demonstrate understanding).The learning tasks always consider the students strengths/weaknesses. Visual learners will have visual cues, auditory learners will have auditory cues etc.Groupings of students will vary, some will work better independently and others will work in various group settings.Multiple intelligence is taken into consideration as are the students learning and thinking styles .Lessons are authentic to ensure that all students can make connections.Project and problem based learning are also key in differentiated instruction and assessment.Lessons and assessments are adapted to meet the needs of all students.Opportunities for children to think for themselves is clearly evident. Differentiated instruction and assessment IS NOT NEW! Great teachers have been implementing these strategies for a long time. What does differentiated instruction and assessment look like? First of all, identify the learning outcomes. For the purpose of this explanation, Ill use Natural Disasters. Now we need to tap into our students prior knowledge. What do they know? For this stage you can do a brainstorm with the whole group or small groups or individually. Or, you can do a KWL chart. Graphic organizers work well for tapping into prior knowledge. You may also consider using a who, what, when, where, why and how graphic organizers individually or in groups. Key to this task is ensuring that everyone can contribute. Now that youve identified what the students know, its time to move into what they need and want to learn. You can post chart paper around the room dividing the topic into sub topics. For instance, for natural disasters I would post chart paper with different headings (hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes etc.). Each group or individual comes to the chart paper and writes down what they know about any of the topics. From this point you can form discussion groups based on interest, each group signs up for the natural disaster they want to learn more about. The groups will need to identify the resources that will help them gain additional information. Now its time to determine how the students will demonstrate their new knowledge after their investigations/research which will include books, documentaries, internet research etc. For this, again, choice is necessary as is taking into consideration their strengths/needs and learning styles. Here are some suggestions: create a talk show, write a news release, teach the class, create an informational brochure, create a powerpoint to show everyone, make illustrations with descriptors, give a demonstration, role play a newscast, create a puppet show, write an information song, poem, rap or cheer, create flow charts or show a step by step process, put on an informational commercial, create a jeopardy or who wants to be a millionaire game. The possibilities with any topic are endless. Through these processes, students can also keep journals in a variety of methods. They can jot down their new facts and ideas about the concepts followed by their thoughts and reflections. Or they can keep a log of what they know and what questions they still have. A Word About Assessment You can assess the following: completion of tasks, the ability to work with and listen to others, participation levels, respects self and others, ability to discuss, explain, make connections, debate, support opinions, infer, reason, re-tell, describe, report, predict etc.The assessment rubric should contain descriptors for both social skills and knowledge skills. As you can see, you have probably already been differentiating your instruction and assessment in much of what youre already doing. You may be asking, when does direct instruction come into play? As youre watching your groups, there will always be some students who will need some additional support, recognize it as you see it and pull those individuals together to help move them along the learning continuum. If you can answer the following questions, youre well on your way. How are you differentiating content? (variety of leveled materials, choice, varied presentation formats etc.)How are you differentiating assessment? (students have many options to demonstrate their new knowledge)How are you differentiating the process? (choice and variety of tasks that consider learning styles, strengths, and needs, flexible groupings etc.) Although differentiating can be challenging at times, stick with it, you will see results.